Here We Are
These are exciting times! Your favorite websites, GYO Seedbank, and The Single Seed Centre, have been welcomed into the Homegrown Cannabis Co. family.
While there is no doubt they were great sites individually, we believe they are stronger together. One family, one philosophy.
What does this mean for you? Well, in what we see as a major coup, the world’s leading cannabis expert,
Kyle Kushman, has joined the team… here to help you through every stage of your grow.
In even better news, you now have access to the
most extensive range of in-house genetics on the planet. Amazing! What else? We have revamped the Support Centre and our
American customers now have access to customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, however, you want to get in touch.
The benefits don’t end there! You can now enjoy:

We offer replacements in the event that your seeds do not germinate

& VIP Program
Join the Homegrown Stash and you will get exclusive deals only for you
About Homegrown
Like enjoying a freshly cooked meal with ingredients from your own garden, Homegrown Cannabis Co delivers a unique satisfaction. Sure, buying the finished product can be easier, but the taste of self-cultivated produce is sweeter and far more fulfilling. Watching your seeds pop their taproots, seeing the first sprigs of green push their way through the soil… these are joys everyone should experience.
Homegrown Cannabis Co is here to make your growing adventure as enjoyable as it is rewarding. As one of the world’s fastest-growing canna-breeders, our top-shelf cultivars have delivered success to hobbyists all over the globe. Our marijuana seed bank offers high-quality, fast-germinating seeds with proven, stabilized genetics across an enviable range of regular, feminized and autoflowering seeds, all at affordable prices.
From beginners to seasoned cultivators, growers of all levels are sure to find great choices for recreational and therapeutic use. Strain selection couldn’t be easier. Our cannabis seed bank has a great search tool and all of our products have detailed accurate descriptions. Every order is sealed in discreet, highly-resistant packaging to guarantee risk-free transportation and delivery.
As large companies scale up to mass-produce cannabis, we want to remind people of the pleasure of growing at home. The thick aroma of the plants, the stickiness of the buds, the awe and envy of friends as you pop open your jar… life doesn’t get much sweeter...
Cultivate your own. Smoke your own.